
First Ecology has a broad range of experience and expertise in identifying and assessing the presence of badgers and the different sett types.
We apply bespoke methodologies depending on the situation and provide robust advice on management processes.

Our badger service includes:

A range of surveys:

Preliminary badger assessment
Badger activity survey
Badger bait marking survey
Preliminary badger assessment

Badger non-licensable method statement

Badger construction ecological management plan

Badger mitigation licence

Badger exclusion installation

Badger mitigation implementation:

Pre-work inspection
Toolbox talks
Sand trap survey
Stick displacement survey
Remote motion-activated infrared camera survey
Destructive search supervision
Ecological clerk of works
Sign-off visit
Report of action

Badger monitoring

Other Services

Our habitat and species services support the realisation of development
and conservation projects across the UK.

Preliminary Ecological
Breeding birds
Hazel Dormouse
Great Crested Newts
Other species
Ecological Clerk
of Works