Preliminary Ecological Appraisal

Consultancy services to support both development and conservation schemes.
We use standard and bespoke-specialist survey techniques to collect accurate and reliable data which is interpreted by our licensed bat ecologists to inform project objectives. Where impacts are anticipated, a strategy is prepared to achieve necessary consents based on known local planning and statutory authority requirements

Our Preliminary Ecological Appraisal service includes:

  • A range of surveys:

Preliminary bat assessment
Bat dropping DNA analysis
Bat roost survey - dusk emergence/pre-dawn re-entry
survey, automated survey, aerial inspection survey,
exploratory inspection survey, hibernation inspection survey

  • Bat non-licensable method statement
  • Bat lighting scheme review
  • Bat enhancement strategy
  • Bat mitigation licence / bat mitigation class licence:

Application form
Method statement
Work schedule
Reasoned statement
Report of action

  • Bat mitigation implementation:

bat box supply and installation
pre-works inspection
toolbox talks
Ecological Clerk of Works
Bat mitigation monitoring

Other Services

Our habitat and species services support the realisation of development
and conservation projects across the UK.

Preliminary Ecological
Breeding birds
Hazel Dormouse
Great Crested Newts
Other species
Ecological Clerk
of Works