Consultancy services to support both development and conservation schemes.

First Ecology contributes to the attainment of target BREEAM rating levels by demonstrating compliance against criteria within the land use and ecology category. First Ecology’s suitably qualified ecologists are experts in identifying project risks and opportunities and managing negative impacts. We also have a comprehensive knowledge of available habitat enhancement features and can propose easy-win solutions appropriate to sites which maximise credits. Once these features are agreed, we can then formulate a plan for the long term maintenance and management of the site to ensure both new and existing ecological features continue to thrive.

First Ecology’s services include:

BREEAM assessment design stage - BREEAM UK New Construction Non-Domestic Buildings (UK) 2014

BREEAM assessment post construction - BREEAM UK New Construction Non-Domestic Buildings (UK) 2014

BREEAM assessment design stage - BREEAM UK New Construction Non-Domestic Buildings (UK) 2018

BREEAM assessment post construction - BREEAM UK New Construction Non-Domestic Buildings (UK) 2018

BREEAM assessment - five year habitat management plan

Other Services

Our habitat and species services support the realisation of development
and conservation projects across the UK.

Preliminary Ecological
Breeding birds
Hazel Dormouse
Great Crested Newts
Other species
Ecological Clerk
of Works